Sunday, August 13, 2006

Where Did All the Trees Go?

On a recent day trip to Manning Park in the interior of Beautiful British Columbia, our family was very saddened to discover that the picnic area at Lightning Lake has had all its trees, specifically the lodgepole pines, removed. We imagine this has to do with the pine beetle infestation the area is suffering under.
Although I guess this is really the only viable solution at this point, it really hit home a couple of things:
  1. Global warming is having a definite local effect as the winters aren't getting cold enough to kill off the pests
  2. Inaction eventually has its consequences

When will we learn that ignoring a serious problem too long leads to even greater problems later on. If some simple strategies had been applied to control the outbreak 10 years ago, would my son have been able to grow up to see Manning Park the way I had seen it?

Oh well, I guess the forestry companies and provincial government are now making money by harvesting the dead and dying trees. It is so reassuring to know we only act when there's a profit motive...


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