Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Juvenile Origins - Adult Ambitions

The Marmot Liberation Organization was founded in 1985 by three teenage boys during a highschool social studies class at Rutland Senior Secondary in beautiful British Columbia. When asked to form a political party as a class exercise, we came up with one based on the democratic rights of marmots, an endangered species in our area at the time. We generated a lot of interest, silliness, and plain confusion with our juxtaposition of rodent rights and politics.

After we graduated, went to college, and became responsible, employed citizens, we suddenly realized that the democratic rights of people were practically equivalent to those of rodents, and we extended our cause to include human citizens.

I hope to make this blog a fun, entertaining, yet interesting forum for those interested in issues of social justice and democracy in our consumer-driven, corporate culture.


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